Soul Encounters
About us
Soul Encounters is a collaborative, international project born out of friendships being established between individuals who live on different continents. It expresses an initiative that preserves our memory of an interconnected, relational psyche and our global interrelated community.
The deep bonds we create through life draw us to the depths of our soul, where we can recognize ourselves and others, both collectively and individually, as spiritual beings - enabling profound meaning, connection, community, service, and gratitude.
We are seeking to develop Soul Encounters as an international community, in the spirit of friendship, where diverse students, researchers, scholars, and spiritual seekers can gather, share and exchange on a variety of topics and particular areas of interest related to the psycho-spiritual dimension.
The project was born in 2022 from the friendship between Julienne McLean (United Kingdom) and Rafael Cheng (Brazil) (see biographies). Our aim is to promote conferences and gatherings that can bring together, network and support people and communities who have a common interest in fostering, and engaging in, the dialogue between the fields of psychology and spirituality.
In 2023, we are delighted to announce our first international conference will be held in partnership with the post-graduate course, “Jung e Corpo” from the Institute Sedes Sapientiae (São Paulo, Brazil) and St. Mary´s University, Twickenham (London).
The conference will be held in person at Instituto Sedes Sapientiae, São Paulo, Brazil in the 15th and 16th of September. It will also be broadcast online.
The conference is hoping to bring together professionals, researchers, and scholars in an interdisciplinary context, to promote dialogue between topics such as the psyche and its relationship with spirituality, dreams, depth psychology, the body, and the spirit.
Registrations can be done through the following link:
Click here to access the event flyer